Autofecundação em Hermafrodita Verdadeiro: The existence of parthenogenesis in the human species, poses an interesting question: is it conceivable that auto-fertilization may occur in human true hermaphrodites?

10 de dezembro de 2019 | Artigos | por Dionne Freitas

In his letter to the Editor, Bianchi said that, “The letter from Dr. Bayraktar [1] commenting on the article by Benagiano and Dallapiccola [2] on the existence of parthenogenesis in the human species, poses an interesting question: is it conceivable that auto-fertilization may occur in human true hermaphrodites?” [3].
This approach of Bianchi is very interesting. Because, like Benagiano and Dallapiccola, I am saying that Mary’s pregnancy cannot be explained by parthenogenesis, because parthenogenetic reproduction is not possible in humans [1,2,4]. In addition, I am saying that Mary’s pregnancy
cannot be explained by parthenogenesis, but it can be explained by autofertilization [1,4].
Autofertilization is a biological mechanism that differs from parthenogenesis. However, it seems that Bianchi confuses parthenogenesis and autofertilization. My hypothesis is that “True hermaphrodites are potential autofertile, because they have ovarian and testicular tissues,
so autofertilization is rarely seen in true hermaphrodites” [1,5].

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